The boundless waves beat against the sky。上世纪60年代以来,信息技术飞速发展,互联网应用加速普及,在全球范围内掀起了信息革命的发展浪潮。这是工业革命以来影响最为广泛和深远的历史变革,给人类生产生活方式乃至经济社会各个领域都带来了前所未有的深刻变化。从新中国建设初期“一辆汽车、一架飞机、一辆坦克、一辆拖拉机都不能造”,到创造举世瞩目的社会主义现代化建设伟大成就,中国人民一路奋起直追、勇毅前行。In the midst of great changes, China has caught up with The Times in great strides and stepped into the historical process of the information revolution。当前,信息技术日益成为重塑世界竞争格局的重要力量,成为大国综合国力较量的制高点。曾经痛失工业革命机遇的中华民族,从未放弃攀登世界科技之巅的梦想,无论如何都不能与信息革命的历史机遇失之交臂。Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央掌舵领航下,新时代的中国乘势而上、奋楫前行,在风云激荡的时代画卷上书写了信息化发展的精彩篇章。勇立潮头逐浪高,牢牢把握千载难逢的信息革命历史机遇2012年12月,习近平总书记在广东深圳调研考察时指出:“现在人类已经进入互联网时代这样一个历史阶段,这是一个世界潮流。"Times", for Communists, is a word of great theoretical and practical significance。在马克思主义经典作家看来,时代是世界范围内的各种现象的总和,具有历史的必然性。To understand and grasp the issues of The Times is the prerequisite and basis for the Party and the state to think forward and make overall plans。The tide of The Times is rising, and only a wise man can be the first to perceive it。习近平总书记对历史阶段和世界潮流作出的重大判断,是长达几十年观察、思考和实践的成果。早在上世纪80年代,时任正定县委书记的习近平同志就在思索信息时代给中国带来的历史机遇。当时改革开放才刚刚起步,习近平同志已经敏锐认识到信息工作的重要性。"Technology is the key, and information is the soul。不重视信息工作,就如同‘盲人骑瞎马,夜半临深池’,要尽快形成耳聪目明的‘蛛网型’信息网。”在计算机、互联网尚未广泛普及的世纪之交,习近平同志就深刻认识到信息化建设的重要意义。2000年,时任福建省省长的习近平同志极具前瞻性和创造性地作出了建设“数字福建”的战略部署,提出了建设“数字化、网络化、可视化、智能化”的数字福建奋斗目标,由此开启了福建推进信息化建设的进程。This is also the ideological source and practical starting point of the construction of digital China。2003年,时任浙江省委书记的习近平同志指出,要坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,加快建设“数字浙江”。习近平同志强调“干在实处、走在前列”,制定并实施“八八战略”,加快推进创新型省份和科技强省建设,打造了“百亿信息化建设”工程。当前,新一轮信息革命浪潮催生全球范围的产业变革,科技创新进入空前密集活跃时期,信息化领域成为国家竞争的战略高地。Every scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has had a huge and profound impact on the country and society。Whether we can grasp the pulse of The Times and conform to the tide of development concerns the success or failure of nations, countries and political parties。习近平总书记指出:“我国曾经是世界上的经济强国,后来在欧洲发生工业革命、世界发生深刻变革的时期,丧失了与世界同进步的历史机遇,逐渐落到了被动挨打的境地。Especially after the Opium War, the Chinese nation fell into a miserable situation of being poor, weak and vulnerable。Thinking of this period of history, we all have deep pain in our hearts。"Based on the new historical position,习近平总书记敏锐指出:“从社会发展史看,Mankind has experienced the agricultural revolution and the Industrial revolution,We are experiencing the information revolution.","Information has brought a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to the Chinese nation","Without informatization, there can be no modernization","We must seize the historical opportunity of informatization development,There can be no hesitation,There can be no slack,Can't afford to miss it,We must not make historic mistakes."。Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,以习近平同志为核心的党中央牢牢把握信息革命的“时”与“势”,We will attach great importance to the Internet, actively develop it, and effectively govern it,Establishment of the Central Leading Group for Internet Security and Informatization (later changed to the Committee),Clearly put forward the efforts to build China into a network power strategic goal。习近平总书记站在信息时代发展大势和国内国际发展大局的高度,深刻分析新一轮信息革命带来的机遇和挑战,系统阐明了一系列方向性、全局性、根本性、战略性问题,对我国信息化发展作出全面部署。从华北平原到八闽大地,从“数字福建”“数字浙江”到网络强国、数字中国,在长期的地方和中央领导工作实践中,习近平总书记始终准确把握信息时代脉动、敏锐感受时代声音、科学回答时代命题。在习近平总书记关于网络强国的重要思想指引下,一幅网络强国、数字中国建设的宏伟画卷正在新时代的中华大地上徐徐展开,并日渐绽放异彩。On November 5, 2018, the first China International Import Expo opened in Shanghai。国家主席习近平出席开幕式并发表题为《欧洲杯在线投注》的主旨演讲。三千水击徙沧溟,从网络大国向网络强国阔步迈进行之力则知愈进,知之深则行愈达。2013年9月30日,正值国庆前夕,中共中央政治局以实施创新驱动发展战略为题举行集体学习。这次中央政治局集体学习的“课堂”,不在中南海,而是放在了北京的中关村。这里是我国第一个国家级高新技术产业开发区、第一个国家自主创新示范区。习近平总书记仔细察看和了解情况,同企业负责人和科研人员深入交谈,询问增材制造、云计算、大数据、高端服务器、水处理、纳米材料、生物芯片、农作物精准生物育种、量子通信等技术的研发和应用情况。习近平总书记在主持集体学习时发表了重要讲话,指出:“即将出现的新一轮科技革命和产业变革与我国加快转变经济发展方式形成历史性交汇,为我们实施创新驱动发展战略提供了难得的重大机遇。Opportunities are fleeting, seize is the opportunity, seize is the challenge。”Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,中央政治局多次围绕信息时代前沿问题进行集体学习,直接相关的就有近十次之多。October 9, 2016,Learn to implement the strategy of strengthening the Internet;December 8, 2017,Learn to implement the national big data strategy;October 31, 2018,Study the current situation and trend of artificial intelligence development;January 25, 2019,Learning the all-media era and the development of media integration;October 24, 2019,Learn the status quo and trends of blockchain technology development;October 16, 2020,Study the research and application prospects of quantum technology;May 31, 2021,Learning to strengthen our country's international communication capacity;October 18, 2021,Learning to promote the healthy development of China's digital economy...This kind of learning is both the exchange of knowledge,It is also a publicity mobilization and deployment for the whole Party and the whole people,引领推动我们这个曾面临“被开除球籍”危险的国家跃升为科技大国、创新大国,Keep the same frequency resonance with The Times。Today's world,It can be said that very few countries have a ruling party,To adapt to the information revolution as the Communist Party of China has done,Attach importance to, develop and govern the Internet;Very few leaders of any country,能像习近平总书记这样对信息社会发展大势有着高度敏锐性和深刻洞察力,The Internet has such a deep and sober understanding, long-term in-depth thinking, scientific and systematic elaboration。2015年,国务院发布《2024欧洲杯投注》,推动互联网创新成果与经济社会各领域的深度融合。2016年,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《2024欧洲杯投注》,从全局和战略高度指明了信息化发展的方向。党的十九大报告在“加快建设创新型国家”部分,对建设网络强国、数字中国、智慧社会作出战略部署。Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,The network information system adheres to the new development stage, implements the new development concept, and builds a new development pattern,We will accelerate efforts to build a cyber country, a digital China, and a smart society,Promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity through informatization,We will inject strong momentum into high-quality economic and social development。Great boats flow down, green mountains move on both sides。当前,信息化发展时代潮流与世界百年未有之大变局和中华民族伟大复兴战略全局发生历史性交汇,未来几十年,新一轮科技革命和产业变革将对人类社会发展产生深远影响。The tide is stirring and the springs are rushing。The Chinese people have not been slack at all, and have gradually realized the transformation from following to running and leading in the field of information technology。-- Accelerating breakthroughs in core technologies and seizing the initiative and competitive lead in the development of the information age。早在2016年,习近平总书记就指出:“互联网核心技术是我们最大的‘命门’,核心技术受制于人是我们最大的隐患。”信息技术迭代迅速,发展机遇稍纵即逝,实现核心技术自主创新是建设网络强国道路上的重要基石。习近平总书记深刻指出:“只有把关键核心技术掌握在自己手中,才能从根本上保障国家经济安全、国防安全和其他安全。"Core technology is an important tool of the country。We must be determined, persistent, and focused on accelerating breakthroughs in core technologies in the information field。”移动通信是创新最活跃、渗透最广泛、带动最显著的高技术领域,对材料、芯片、器件、仪表等领域带动作用十分明显。我国移动通信坚持国际化发展道路,以开放促竞争,以竞争促创新,从无到有、由弱到强,不断突破关键核心技术,实现1G空白、2G跟随、3G突破、4G同步、5G引领的重大跨越。In recent years,我国加大光通信、毫米波等基础技术研发力度,取得一批原创性成果。2018年6月,3GPP发布首个全功能5G标准,我国研究提出的服务化网络架构、统一空口架构、极化码、大规模天线等多项核心技术纳入5G国际标准,为全球移动通信发展贡献中国智慧。目前,我国建成全球规模最大、性能最先进的5G网络,5G基站总数达161.50,000, becoming the world's first country to build a 5G network based on an independent networking model。Innovative 5G applications continue to emerge, covering many areas of life such as transportation, medical care, education, and cultural tourism。随着5G全球商用部署,6G愿景需求、关键技术等研究也正在展开,泛在互联、普惠智能、全域覆盖、绿色低碳、内生安全等技术创新值得期待。企业是创新的主体,是推动创新创造的生力军,也是创新成果的使用者、受益者。2018年4月26日,习近平总书记来到位于武汉的烽火科技集团和武汉新芯集成电路制造有限公司,察看公司研制的芯片、光纤等高科技产品,了解产品性能、国产化率、在国际同行业中的地位等情况。总书记语重心长地对企业负责人说,具有自主知识产权的核心技术,是企业的“命门”所在。企业必须在核心技术上不断实现突破,掌握更多具有自主知识产权的关键技术,掌控产业发展主导权。习近平总书记在地方考察中多次对企业创新提出殷切期望,无论是到重庆考察京东方光电科技有限公司,还是到济南高新区考察浪潮集团高端容错计算机生产基地,习近平总书记都强调创新的重要性,嘱托把创新搞上去。In recent years,China firmly holds the core technology independent innovation "bull nose",We will concentrate resources and intensify research on cutting-edge technologies,Foster a sound industrial ecosystem,We will strengthen policy support and guarantee,We will actively build a technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body, the market as the guide, and industry, university and research institutes deeply integrated,It has basically formed a working pattern of policy coordination, upper and lower linkage, and resource integration。With the joint efforts of all parties,The development of software and integrated circuit technology is accelerated in our country,The application of domestic operating systems has been further promoted,Positive progress has been made in research on big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain,Original breakthroughs have been made in quantum communication and quantum computing,The total number of the world's top 500 supercomputers ranked first for many years,Important achievements have been made in key generic technologies such as optical storage, basic software, and core components,Some areas have formed global competitive advantages。2021年4月19日,在清华大学建校110周年校庆日即将来临之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平来到清华大学考察。这是习近平在清华大学成像与智能技术实验室同师生们亲切交谈。-- Accelerating the construction of a new generation of information infrastructure to open up the main arteries of economic and social development。数字信息基础设施是建设网络强国、数字中国的基石,已成为支撑全面建设社会主义现代化国家的战略性公共基础设施。习近平总书记对加快新型基础设施建设提出明确要求,We must strengthen the strategic layout,加快建设以5G网络、全国一体化数据中心体系、国家产业互联网等为抓手的高速泛在、天地一体、云网融合、智能敏捷、绿色低碳、安全可控的智能化综合性数字信息基础设施,Open up the information 'main artery' of economic and social development."。In recent years,我国加快完善数字信息基础设施体系,统筹推进5G、IPv6、数据中心、卫星互联网、物联网等建设发展,互联互通、共建共享、协调联动水平快速提升,为经济高质量发展提供有力支撑。IPv6规模部署和应用取得突破性进展,IPv6地址数量跃居全球第一,活跃用户数达6.7.4 billion, fixed network IPv6 traffic accounted for 10%.59%, mobile network IPv6 traffic accounted for 40%.14%。数据已成为基础性战略资源和革命性关键要素,全国一体化大数据中心体系完成总体布局设计,8个国家算力枢纽节点进入具体施工期。工业互联网已经在45个国民经济大类中得到应用,全国“5G+工业互联网”在建项目总数达到2400个。The Beidou navigation System has opened high-precision services in more than 20 countries, with a total number of users exceeding 2 billion。It is found that the digital "new infrastructure" is replacing the "iron Gong base" and becoming a new business card of the Eastern powers。Conform to the trend of digital, networked, intelligent and green development,From a "latecomer" in the Internet era, China is striving to become a "leader" in a new round of information revolution.,Construction of digital information infrastructure through appropriate advance layout,We will accelerate efforts to improve the intelligence of traditional infrastructure,We will continue to promote energy conservation and consumption reduction in new infrastructure,We will achieve green and high-quality development,Better support the digital transformation, intelligent upgrading, and integrated innovation of the economy and society。-- We will vigorously develop the digital economy, foster new growth drivers through informatization, and promote new development with new growth drivers。Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee has attached great importance to the development of the digital economy, elevating it to a national strategy。2018年4月20日,At the National Conference on Cybersecurity and Informatization,习近平总书记作出“网信事业代表着新的生产力和新的发展方向,应该在践行新发展理念上先行一步”的重要论断。This is a major development and innovation of Marxist productivity theory, and points out the direction for Internet and information work。习近平总书记在十八届中央政治局第三十六次集体学习时强调要做大做强数字经济、拓展经济发展新空间,在十九届中央政治局第二次集体学习、2018年中央经济工作会议等多个重要场合对发展数字经济进行了系统阐述。特别是在十九届中央政治局第三十四次集体学习时,总书记强调发展数字经济是把握新一轮科技革命和产业变革新机遇的战略选择,对国家未来发展作出战略思考和宏伟布局。当前,我国已经成为世界第二大经济体,过去那种主要依靠资源要素投入推动经济增长的方式显然是行不通的。伴随信息技术加速创新,数字经济发展速度之快、辐射范围之广、影响程度之深前所未有,正在成为重组全球要素资源、重塑全球经济结构、改变全球竞争格局的关键力量。The new normal requires new development and new development needs new driving forces。China's digital economy shows great vitality and unlimited potential, and there is much to be done in the future。Ten years, our country netizen scale from 5.6.4 billion goes up to 10.3.2 billion, Internet penetration from 42.1% increased to 73.It has ranked first in the world for 13 consecutive years, forming the world's largest digital society。随着我国数字经济产业不断壮大,发展韧性显著增强,数字经济规模连续数年位居世界第二。China's online payment scale exceeds 900 million, mobile payment, cashless life can be seen everywhere in China。有一次习近平总书记去欧洲访问,一位政要好奇询问:“你们平常用手机支付吗?”仍然主要使用信用卡的欧洲人对中国移动支付的飞速发展感到吃惊,感慨“这件事简直不可思议”。The magic doesn't stop there。As of December 2021, the number of online shopping users in China has reached 8.4.2 billion, the number of online office users reached 4.6.9 billion, the number of online medical users reached 2.9.8 billion, the size of online takeout users reached 5.4.4 billion, the number of car-hailing users reached 4.5.3 billionDigital life has gone from science fiction to reality。The mechanization of the first industrial revolution from the 18th century,The electrification of the second Industrial Revolution by the 19th century,To the third industrial revolution of the 20th century,One disruptive technological innovation after another,It brings about the great liberation of social productive forces and the great leap in living standards,Fundamentally changed the course of human history。This time, China is ahead of the curve。Only by following the historical trend can we keep pace with The Times。互联网作为创新驱动发展的先导力量,正以前所未有的广度和深度变革着经济发展模式,与经济社会的融合度越来越高。“互联网+”正在与各行各业发生“化学反应”,工业互联网、智慧农业等具有强大活力的应用不断浮出水面。数字技术和实体经济加快融合发展,制造业、服务业、农业的数字化、网络化、智能化持续升级,涌现出一批数字新产业、新业态、新模式,促进我国产业迈向全球价值链中高端。In recent years,我国积极实施“互联网+”行动计划、国家大数据战略,We will deepen the integration of digital technologies and the real economy,We will promote coordinated transformation and development of green digitalization,数字产业化和产业数字化成效显著。不断优化数字经济发展环境,Strengthen anti-monopoly in the Internet sector and prevent disorderly expansion of capital,规范引导互联网企业健康有序发展。——让互联网发展成果更好惠及人民群众,数字政府与数字社会建设持续推进。April 19, 2022,习近平总书记主持召开中央全面深化改革委员会第二十五次会议,He stressed the need to fully implement the strategy of strengthening China through the Internet,Extensive use of digital technology in government management services,We will promote digital and intelligent government operations,It will provide strong support for the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity。Strengthening the construction of digital government is an important measure to innovate the concept and method of government governance。《欧洲杯在线投注》显示,中国电子政务发展指数排名比2018年提升了20位,我国在线服务指数排名已迈入世界领先行列。In the process of promoting "Internet + government services","The people run less errands,The e-government service concept of "more data runs" has been promoted throughout the country,The national integrated government service platform has over 900 million real-name users,The "One Netcom office" "run once at most" is widely practiced,E-government has become an important part of the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity。2020年3月31日,习近平总书记来到杭州城市大脑运营指挥中心,考察“数字杭州”建设情况。总书记指出,通过大数据、云计算、人工智能等手段推进城市治理现代化,大城市也可以变得更“聪明”。当前,我国正在分级分类推进新型智慧城市建设,从信息化到智能化再到智慧化,智慧城市建设前景广阔。Accelerating the construction of a digital society is an essential part of promoting modernization and an important means to create a better life。习近平总书记语重心长地指出:“要适应人民期待和需求,加快信息化服务普及”,“让亿万人民在共享互联网发展成果上有更多获得感”。The earnest exhortation of the General Secretary, in order to deepen the information convenience and benefit the people, press the fast forward key。2020年以来,面对突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,以“健康码”为代表的数字抗疫让一个拥有14亿人口的大国实现了疫情的精准防控。On the road to poverty alleviation and common prosperity, digitalization is an important support and strong guarantee。数字技术持续助力我国城乡公共服务均等化,全民数字素养与技能全面提升,中国数字化转型的脚步进一步加快。2019年9月19日,新疆维吾尔自治区伊犁哈萨克自治州新源县那拉提镇,草原移动信号塔。The wind is strong and the sails are wide,Strengthening the overall layout of digital China construction, March 11, 2021,十三届全国人大四次会议表决通过了关于《2024欧洲杯投注》的决议,"Accelerate digital development and build a Digital China",在打造数字经济新优势、加快数字社会建设步伐、提高数字政府建设水平、营造良好数字生态等方面作出战略部署。At the end of the same year,Cyberspace Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee issued the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Informatization,The future development goal is clear: by 2025,Decisive progress has been made in building a digital China,The level of IT application has been greatly improved,Digital infrastructure has been strengthened,The innovation capacity of digital technology has been significantly enhanced,Give full play to the value of data elements,High-quality development of the digital economy,Overall improvement in digital governance efficiency。The great strength of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is that we have made bold plans and made forward-looking arrangements one after another。《2024欧洲杯投注》,成为未来五年开展信息化工作的任务书、责任状和路线图。You do my song, Kunpeng hit waves from this beginning。习近平总书记反复强调,“中华民族伟大复兴绝不是轻轻松松、敲锣打鼓就能实现的。The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century,Emerging markets and developing countries are rising faster than ever before,The new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has brought about unprecedented fierce competition,The global governance system and the international situation have undergone unprecedented changes,新冠肺炎疫情冲击和地缘政治冲突带来的世界格局演变的不稳定性、不确定性前所未有。In recent years,美国悍然对我发动贸易战,在舆论、科技、金融等领域动作频频,不遗余力打击中国,以莫须有的理由将数百家中国企业列入其所谓实体清单,横加制裁。Opportunities and challenges coexist, and development and risks coexist。Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,中国顺应世界发展大势,带领中国人民,团结世界各国人民,有理有利有节开展伟大斗争。习近平总书记2018年在首届中国国际进口博览会开幕式发表主旨演讲指出:“中国经济是一片大海,而不是一个小池塘。"A strong wind and rain can overturn a small pond, but not the sea.。经历了无数次狂风骤雨,大海依旧在那儿!”2020年,《2024欧洲杯投注》施行。这部新时代中国外商投资领域的基础性法律,向世界展示中国开放大门越开越大的坚定决心。In 2022, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) will come into effect。15个成员国包括东盟十国和中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰,将成为全球规模最大的自贸区。2022年4月,The Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Accelerating the Building of a Large Unified National Market were officially released,It is proposed that China will build a unified large market from the aspects of infrastructure system construction and market facilities construction,明确要求建立健全数据安全、权利保护、跨境传输管理、交易流通、开放共享、安全认证等基础制度和标准规范,Promote the development and utilization of data resources。大国大市场的优势充分发挥,一片大海连接另一片大海,形成休戚与共的命运共同体。我国着眼高水平对外开放,积极搭建数字领域双边、区域和国际合作平台,充分发挥世界互联网大会等主场平台作用。We will jointly build a high-quality "digital Silk Road" and make the fruits of digital development more beneficial to people of all countries。维护和完善多边数字及经济治理机制,推动建立公正、合理、透明的治理体系和规则体系,携手构建网络空间命运共同体。2021年,习近平主席在致世界互联网大会乌镇峰会的贺信中指出,要让数字文明造福各国人民。"Through the heavens and the earth, and through the four directions。Digital civilization brings people endless imagination for a better future。Some Western scholars predict that "China will lead the third industrial revolution.。Although this is only an optimistic forecast, we should have such confidence。2021年世界互联网大会乌镇峰会,中国网络空间研究院发布《2024欧洲杯投注》。The report said that the current level of Internet development in the United States and China is ahead of other countries。A number of Asian economies have made significant progress, demonstrating the gradual eastward shift of the global innovation heartland。艨艟 The mighty ship points straight to the east, and the waves wash heaven and earth into the east flow。在艰苦卓绝的奋斗历程中,无论形势如何变化,我们党都始终把握历史规律、掌握历史主动、抓住历史机遇,团结带领中国人民找到了实现中华民族伟大复兴的正确道路。These ten years,以习近平同志为核心的党中央引领信息化发展,We will continue to make breakthroughs in key and core technologies,The digital economy is booming,Information infrastructure spans generations,The achievements of IT development have benefited hundreds of millions of people,It has become a new driving force and engine for high-quality economic and social development,The future vision of realizing a cyber power, a digital China, a digital government, and a smart society is clearly visible。The east is red, how to see the spectacular human foot。在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想特别是习近平总书记关于网络强国的重要思想指引下,Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,We will seize this once-in-a-lifetime historical opportunity,Firmly grasp the historical initiative of digital transformation,We will strive to create new advantages for the development of digital China,Meet new challenges and tasks with confidence,It will provide strong information support for realizing the Chinese Dream of great national renewal。综合:网信中国、中国网信杂志审核:王韶云编发:王 安素材整理:许晓伟、王安